The Czech Republic’s foreign exchange reserves play a critical role in maintaining the stability and liquidity of the country’s economy. As an export-driven country with an open economy, the Czech Republic relies heavily on foreign trade and is susceptible to external shocks. Adequate reserve levels help insulate against volatility in financial markets and ensure the central bank can meet the country’s foreign exchange liabilities.

Overview of Foreign Exchange Reserves

Foreign exchange reserves are external assets held by a country’s central bank or monetary authority. They typically consist of foreign currencies, bonds, treasury bills and other government securities. The reserves act as a buffer to even out volatility in exchange rates, influence monetary policy and instill confidence in a country’s currency. They provide liquidity to settle international payments and intervene in foreign exchange markets during periods of instability.

The Czech National Bank manages the country’s foreign exchange reserves. The reserves primarily comprise:

  • Foreign currencies – The euro and U.S. dollar represent the largest share. Reserves in other reserve currencies like the British pound, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan are also held.
  • Gold reserves – The Czech Republic holds about 9 tonnes of gold bars and coins.
  • IMF reserve positions – The country’s share of equity in the International Monetary Fund that can be readily converted into foreign currency.
  • SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) – An international reserve asset created by the IMF and based on a basket of currencies.
  • Securities – Primarily highly-rated government bonds from reserve currency issuers like Germany, France and the United States.

Size of Czech Foreign Exchange Reserves

As of August 2022, the Czech Republic’s foreign exchange reserves totaled $174.8 billion. This represents one of the highest reserve levels relative to GDP among emerging European economies.

Reserves equaled about 43% of the country’s nominal GDP. The adequate size provides a substantial buffer against external shocks. It also enables the central bank to actively intervene in foreign exchange markets during periods of volatility.

The country’s reserves have grown rapidly since the early 2000s as exports boomed following the Czech Republic’s 2004 accession to the European Union. Total reserves have more than quadrupled from just $36 billion in 2000.

The growth reflects the country’s rising current account surpluses driven by growing exports. It also demonstrates the central bank’s active efforts to accumulate reserves to enhance macroeconomic and financial stability.

Composition of the Czech Republic’s Reserves

The Czech National Bank provides a detailed breakdown of the composition of the country’s foreign exchange reserves. This offers insight into how the central bank allocates and manages its reserve assets.

Foreign Currencies

Foreign currency assets comprise the largest share at 63% of total reserves as of mid-2022. The bank holds both cash foreign exchange and highly liquid short-term foreign securities.

Euro-denominated assets are the biggest component, reflecting the eurozone’s importance as the Czech Republic’s main trading partner. The central bank also maintains sizeable dollar-denominated assets to enable interventions in global currency markets if needed.

British pounds, Swiss francs, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, and Canadian dollars represent smaller reserve shares.


The Czech Republic holds about 9 tonnes of gold, representing 7% of its foreign reserves. The central bank stores its gold reserves domestically in Prague as an emergency reserve during crises. The physical gold provides resilience as its value is disconnected from financial markets.

IMF Reserve Position

The country’s reserve position in the IMF accounted for 2% of reserves. This reflects the Czech Republic’s quota subscription and can provide readily available foreign currency if needed.


IMF Special Drawing Rights comprised about 4% of the reserves. The Czech Republic received additional SDR allocations in 2009 and 2021 to boost global liquidity during crises.


Foreign securities, primarily highly-rated European government bonds, made up the remaining 24% of reserves. These provide income and represent a liquid store of value.

Reserve Adequacy for the Czech Republic

The Czech National Bank closely monitors the adequacy of its foreign exchange reserves using a range of metrics. Reserve levels in relation to imports and short-term debt are among the most important indicators.

Reserves as Percentage of Imports

A common rule-of-thumb is that reserves should cover at least three months of imports. The Czech Republic’s reserves equal about 10 months of imports – well above prudential levels.

The high ratio reflects the reserves’ important role in insulating the open, trade-dependent Czech economy from volatility. It provides reassurance the country can settle its large import bill even if faced with external shocks.

Reserves Relative to Short-Term Debt

Reserves also remain adequate relative to the country’s stock of short-term external debt. Total foreign exchange reserves are equivalent to over 250% of the Czech Republic’s short-term debt.

This indicates the central bank holds ample liquidity to repay external obligations. The Czech economy’s low reliance on potentially problematic forms of short-term foreign financing also adds stability.

Motivations for Holding Reserves

The Czech National Bank actively manages foreign exchange reserves to fulfill several policy goals:

Smooth Currency Fluctuations

The bank intervenes in forex markets when needed to even out large swings in the koruna’s value. Reserves provide the firepower to counter disorderly volatility that may arise from shifts in global risk appetite.

Maintain Confidence

Adequate reserves signal the central bank can readily meet the country’s foreign liabilities. This preserves confidence in macroeconomic and financial stability during periods of market turmoil.

Self-Insurance Against Crises

Reserves act as a financial buffer in the event of sudden stops of external financing or balance of payments troubles. They provide air cover in crises and minimize reliance on emergency IMF assistance.

Influence Monetary Policy

Foreign bond purchases indirectly tighten koruna liquidity and interest rates while sales do the opposite. The reserves thus grant flexibility in implementing the bank’s inflation-targeting regime.

Diversify Assets

Reserves allow the central bank to diversity the currency composition of the country’s external assets. This avoids over-concentration in any single currency.

Foreign Exchange Intervention Operations

The Czech National Bank has frequently intervened in currency markets over the past two decades to smooth volatility in the koruna’s exchange rate. The bank utilizes the nation’s sizeable reserves to counter what it views as excessive fluctuations.

Interventions typically involve directly buying or selling koruna on the open market to influence its value against the euro. These operations have increased in frequency amid recent global turmoil.

For example, the bank has actively sold koruna throughout 2022 as the currency strengthened due to large current account surpluses and rising interest rates. This helped prevent excessive appreciation that would hurt Czech export competitiveness.

The bank spent about $3.5 billion in the first half of 2022 to restrain koruna gains. This demonstrates the reserves provide ample firepower to lean against currency swings and prevent economic damage.

Foreign Exchange Reserves Outlook

The Czech Republic’s foreign exchange reserves are forecast to remain relatively stable over the medium term absent a major crisis. The country’s strong external balance sheet limits risks of a sudden drop in reserves.

The central bank is projected to continue utilizing the reserves to smooth periodic koruna volatility against the euro. Interventions may increase if global financial market turbulence persists.

Gradual reserve accumulation will likely resume once global conditions stabilize and upside pressure on the koruna exchange rate subsides. This will help maintain adequate buffers against future external shocks.


The Czech Republic holds one of the highest levels of foreign exchange reserves relative to the size of its economy among emerging European countries. The sizable reserve buffer has provided financial stability and reduced vulnerability to external volatility.

Active management of the reserves has enabled the Czech National Bank to achieve important policy goals like smoothing currency fluctuations and self-insuring against crises. This has supported the country’s macroeconomic and financial resilience during a turbulent global environment.

Looking ahead, preserving an adequate level of reserves will remain a priority for the central bank. The reserves are projected to continue playing a vital role in protecting the open Czech economy against global headwinds.